Silly Wi-Fi names come in the list of harmless, joyful, playful and goofy choices to name your Wi-Fi connection. These silly Wi-Fi names can add fun, entertainment and a sense of humour to your home network. When you hear these silly Wi-Fi names, your face glows with a great smile. 

Here are some ideas for silly Wi-Fi names: go through them, pick up your favourite, and name your Wi-Fi connection.

Serial Number Silly Wifi Names
1 PrettyFlyForAWiFi
2 FBI Surveillance Van
3 GetOffMyLawn
4 Bill Wi, the Science Fi
5 ItHurtsWhenIP
6 DropItLikeItsHotspot
7 404NetworkUnavailable
8 LAN Solo
9 WiFidelity
10 ThePromisedLAN
11 2Girls1Router
12 PasswordIsTaco
13 Area51Express
14 NoFreeInternetHere
15 LookMaNoWires
16 SkynetGlobalDefenseNetwork
17 TheMatrixHasYou
18 JohnCenaWifi
19 NachoWiFi
20 YellPenisForPassword
21 ThisIsNotTheWiFiYouAreLookingFor
22 ICanHazWiFi
23 HackMeIfYouCan
24 BringVodkaToGetPassword
25 NotYourWiFi
26 TheDarkNet
27 ZombiesAhead
28 ThisIsOurWiFiShrine
29 NoSignalNoProblem
30 WhosYourWiFiDaddy
31 MyNeighboursSuck
32 TalkLessDoMoreWiFi
33 AllYourBandwidthAreBelongToUs
34 IAmTheOneWhoSurfs
35 WinterIsComing
36 CtrlAltDefeat
37 ConnectToDie
38 KeepItOnTheDownload
39 FreeWiFiForCats
40 AbraKadabraAlakazam
41 PingPongPewPew
42 WiFispyware
43 ISeeYourBrowsingHistory
44 WiFightThePower
45 ConnectAndGetLost
46 CanYouHearMeNow
47 WeCanHearYouHavingSex
48 WiBelieveICanFi
49 WiFiForDays
50 BatmanCave
51 StayOffMyWiFi
52 PasswordIsPizza
53 WiNotFi
54 HodorWiFi
55 HideYourKidsHideYourWiFi
56 WiFiLlama
57 MeowMixForPassword
58 GetYourOwnWiFi
59 WiFiAndChill
60 Dumbledore’sWiFi
61 StopStealingMyWiFi
62 WiFiOfTheApes
63 UseYourOwnInternet
64 WiFiInABottle
65 Loading…
66 VirusInfectedNetwork
67 SuperSecretWiFi
68 Searching…
69 IAmTheWiFiWizard
70 ConnectToUnlockSecrets
71 WiFiOrDai
72 MyWiFiIsWatchingYou
73 PasswordIs1234567890
74 LookMaNoWiFi
75 ConnectionLost
76 JediMasterWiFi
77 HackMeIfYouCanNot
78 AvengersNetwork


Silliness is the key thing for the Wi-Fi names in this article, but remember that silliness doesn’t cross its limits to spread negative vibes. Pick up the fun and entertaining names from the list, and don’t use those names for offensive or illegal purposes.