Silly Wi-Fi names come in the list of harmless, joyful, playful and goofy choices to name your Wi-Fi connection. These silly Wi-Fi names can add fun, entertainment and a sense of humour to your home network. When you hear these silly Wi-Fi names, your face glows with a great smile.
Here are some ideas for silly Wi-Fi names: go through them, pick up your favourite, and name your Wi-Fi connection.
Serial Number | Silly Wifi Names |
1 | PrettyFlyForAWiFi |
2 | FBI Surveillance Van |
3 | GetOffMyLawn |
4 | Bill Wi, the Science Fi |
5 | ItHurtsWhenIP |
6 | DropItLikeItsHotspot |
7 | 404NetworkUnavailable |
8 | LAN Solo |
9 | WiFidelity |
10 | ThePromisedLAN |
11 | 2Girls1Router |
12 | PasswordIsTaco |
13 | Area51Express |
14 | NoFreeInternetHere |
15 | LookMaNoWires |
16 | SkynetGlobalDefenseNetwork |
17 | TheMatrixHasYou |
18 | JohnCenaWifi |
19 | NachoWiFi |
20 | YellPenisForPassword |
21 | ThisIsNotTheWiFiYouAreLookingFor |
22 | ICanHazWiFi |
23 | HackMeIfYouCan |
24 | BringVodkaToGetPassword |
25 | NotYourWiFi |
26 | TheDarkNet |
27 | ZombiesAhead |
28 | ThisIsOurWiFiShrine |
29 | NoSignalNoProblem |
30 | WhosYourWiFiDaddy |
31 | MyNeighboursSuck |
32 | TalkLessDoMoreWiFi |
33 | AllYourBandwidthAreBelongToUs |
34 | IAmTheOneWhoSurfs |
35 | WinterIsComing |
36 | CtrlAltDefeat |
37 | ConnectToDie |
38 | KeepItOnTheDownload |
39 | FreeWiFiForCats |
40 | AbraKadabraAlakazam |
41 | PingPongPewPew |
42 | WiFispyware |
43 | ISeeYourBrowsingHistory |
44 | WiFightThePower |
45 | ConnectAndGetLost |
46 | CanYouHearMeNow |
47 | WeCanHearYouHavingSex |
48 | WiBelieveICanFi |
49 | WiFiForDays |
50 | BatmanCave |
51 | StayOffMyWiFi |
52 | PasswordIsPizza |
53 | WiNotFi |
54 | HodorWiFi |
55 | HideYourKidsHideYourWiFi |
56 | WiFiLlama |
57 | MeowMixForPassword |
58 | GetYourOwnWiFi |
59 | WiFiAndChill |
60 | Dumbledore’sWiFi |
61 | StopStealingMyWiFi |
62 | WiFiOfTheApes |
63 | UseYourOwnInternet |
64 | WiFiInABottle |
65 | Loading… |
66 | VirusInfectedNetwork |
67 | SuperSecretWiFi |
68 | Searching… |
69 | IAmTheWiFiWizard |
70 | ConnectToUnlockSecrets |
71 | WiFiOrDai |
72 | MyWiFiIsWatchingYou |
73 | PasswordIs1234567890 |
74 | LookMaNoWiFi |
75 | ConnectionLost |
76 | JediMasterWiFi |
77 | HackMeIfYouCanNot |
78 | AvengersNetwork |
Silliness is the key thing for the Wi-Fi names in this article, but remember that silliness doesn’t cross its limits to spread negative vibes. Pick up the fun and entertaining names from the list, and don’t use those names for offensive or illegal purposes.